Blog & Podcast

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My blog posts in chronological order:

Entrepreneurs: You Just Need To Complain More
Our dissatisfactions are absolute gold mines for innovations –- but we gotta do it right. Hey, I’m FOR complaining! There is absolutely nothing wrong with complaining , we all do it. If you don’t see a problem with something then you would never complain about it, right? So why
Writer’s Block Is A Symptom of Unresolved Trauma
Here are some steps you can take to resolve writer’s block. Trauma disrupts memory, focus, and emotional regulation, all of these are crucial for writing. According to Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s groundbreaking work, The Body Keeps the Score, trauma impacts: * Neurological processing of memory * Emotional regulation mechanisms * Self-perception and
You Can’t Just “Be A Writer” and Expect to Make It in the Long Run
Real talk: you are wasting time and energy chasing an empty dream. That’s what I used to think also — just focus on writing, creating content, putting yourself out there, engaging, and through time and practice: * Quality work will eventually appear * A niche will appear * An audience will start to